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Acupuncture is the oldest continuously practiced form of medicine in the world. Our licensed acupuncturist utilizes painless methods to effectively treat problematic, chronic and acute pain. This treatment strategy provides logical and precise stimulation of a number of distal points while avoiding aggrevating the area of pain, allowing you to feel relief almost immediately. Our patients experience a level of wellness that offers them less pain, improved energy, and a more optimistic outlook on life. Some are even able to decrease or stop medications. 
Treatments are offered in one of four private rooms within a relaxing, spa-like setting. Aromatherapies, soothing music, massage therapy, and Biomat treatments may also be offered to enhance your experience.

Give us a call today to set up your appointment, and get ready to feel great!

Benefits of Acupuncture

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Are you recovering from an injury or have aches and pains that you've been avoiding?

Acupuncture could be the answer your looking for. Click now to schedule appointment.

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